We have offices in:
Germany, Switzerland and the USA
- Nuremberg, Germany
The administrative center of the organization is located in the office in Nuremberg/Germany.
Nehemiah Gateway gGmbH
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg, Germany
T +49 911 60009960
F +49 911 60009969
- Pommelsbrunn, Germany
The seat and office of Nehemiah Gateway Services GmbH are located in Hubmersberg near Nuremberg.
Nehemiah Gateway Services GmbH
Hubmersberg 2
91224 Pommelsbrunn
T +49 911 60009960
F +49 911 60009969
- Berlin, Germany
The office in the German capital Berlin represents the work and keeps close contact with politics, embassies, NGOs, and enterprises.
Nehemiah Gateway Services GmbH
Pariser Platz 6a
10117 Berlin, Germany
T +49 30 206089980
F +49 30 206089989
- Muri, Switzerland
NG Switzerland takes care of NG's many donors and supporters in Switzerland.
They network with partners and provide accountability for tax-exempt donations.
Nehemiah Gateway Switzerland
c.o. Kai und Anne Uellendahl
Untere Bächlen 2
5630 Muri AG, Switzerland
- Boulder, Colorado
NG USA serves donors and supporters in the Americas.
NG USA Inc.,
1630 30th St Suite A #345,
Boulder, CO 80301-1045